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14 posts
Israel to Plant 450,000 Trees to Counter Effects of Climate Change
A man walks on a tree-lined sidewalk near the Valley of the Cross park in Jerusalem on Nov. 5, 2018. (Hadas Parush/Flash90 via Shira Hanau Israel’s cabinet approved a plan to plant 450,000 trees in the country’s cities to mitigate some effects of climate change by offering more shade and cooler temperatures. The plan,…
January 24, 2022
164 million-year-old plant fossil is the oldest example of a flowering bud
Home News The fossilized Florigerminis jurassica plant with a defined stem, bulbous fruit and fossilized flower bud (marked by the white arrow). (Image credit: NIGPAS)Researchers have uncovered the earliest example of a flower bud in a 164 million-year-old plant fossil in China. The discovery firmly pushes back the emergence of flowering plants into the Jurassic…
January 19, 2022
Plant Scientists Find Recipe for Anti-Cancer Compound in Herbs Like Thyme and Oregano
Natalia Dudareva, Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry in Purdue’s College of Agriculture, stands in her laboratory. Dudareva led a team of researchers that mapped the biosynthetic pathway of an anti-cancer compound found in oregano and thyme, opening the door to potential pharmaceutical use. Credit: Purdue Agricultural Communications photo/Tom Campbell Thyme and oregano possess an anti-cancer compound…
December 30, 2021
Insane data sheet: is Xiaomi planning a record-breaking smartphone?
Xiaomi, Symbolbild Xiaomi will nach weiteren Rekorden streben, wobei der nächste Rekord schon gar nicht mehr neu ist. Sony stellte ihn bereits mit diversen Xperia-Smartphones vor vielen Jahren auf, doch den Verkäufen hatte das meist nichts gebracht. Nun geht Xiaomi einen ähnlichen Weg, der Akku-Weltmeister möchte die vorhandenen Kapazitäten für eine bestmögliche Displayqualität ausnutzen. Maximale…
October 3, 2021