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7 posts
Is Your Daughter or Sister Struggling? Understanding Addiction in Adolescent Girls vs. Adult Women thumbnail

Is Your Daughter or Sister Struggling? Understanding Addiction in Adolescent Girls vs. Adult Women

The complexities of addiction stretch across ages, genders, and backgrounds, revealing unique challenges at every stage of life. When we delve into the experiences of adolescent girls versus adult women, the contrasts and similarities shed light on crucial aspects of support, understanding, and recovery. This exploration highlights the age-specific hurdles and offers insight into how
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Sister Yu: The Wonder Woman of Northeast China thumbnail

Sister Yu: The Wonder Woman of Northeast China

As social media stars go, Sister Yu breaks the mold in more ways than one.While the internet is well stocked with content showcasing lofty and idyllic visions of the Chinese countryside, this 45-year-old farmer from northeast China has earned more than 10 million followers on Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok, for her brash, no-frills
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My Sister Asked Me to Babysit Her Kids So I Told Her My Hourly Rates Were 25$ thumbnail

My Sister Asked Me to Babysit Her Kids So I Told Her My Hourly Rates Were 25$

Friends and family make up a large majority of babysitters, and 51% of the people who watch children don’t get paid for their work. Taking care of children is a huge responsibility and finding a good and reliable sitter can prove difficult, so it makes sense that parents turn to people they trust the most.One Bright Side reader, Anne, experienced some friction when her sister asked her…
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Mark Zuckerberg's Sister Presents: Adele but It's Crypto thumbnail

Mark Zuckerberg’s Sister Presents: Adele but It’s Crypto

Randi Zuckerberg. Screenshot: Lucas Ropek/TwitterThe flood of well-known people rushing to sell out to the blossoming crypto industry are legion. Shills, shills, as far as the eye can see! The fallen include former CIA killing machine Matt Damon, former NSA spy turned NSA whistleblower turned NFT peddler Edward Snowden, director of a lot of good…
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