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7 posts
Fact Check: Has Starbucks CEO Apologized Over Israel Support? thumbnail

Fact Check: Has Starbucks CEO Apologized Over Israel Support?

International coffee chain Starbucks has faced a series of setbacks in the past year amid boycotts and strikes, alongside a nearly $11 billion decline in its market value that occurred at the end of 2023.The company recently faced backlash after a communications fiasco around the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. It was drawn into the
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Starbucks вдига цените в менюто си заради инфлацията thumbnail

Starbucks вдига цените в менюто си заради инфлацията

Популярната американска верига кафенета Starbucks ще повиши цените в менюто си през 2022 г. и ще намали някои разходи, за да компенсира растящите средства за труд и стоки, предава Reuters. Нарастващият брой случаи на заразени с Covid-19 накара компанията да понижи оценките си за печалба тази година. Компанията остана под оценките на анализаторите с печалбата…
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Slack and Starbucks Hire Employees With a Criminal History. Here’s Why You Should Too thumbnail

Slack and Starbucks Hire Employees With a Criminal History. Here’s Why You Should Too

It's no secret that today's employees want to work for a company that values diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).While many companies have made strides toward implementing programs that promote DEI, one segment of workers continues to be left behind: those with conviction histories.Research from the Prison Policy Initiative shows that formerly incarcerated individuals are unemployed…
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