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Next Wave: The obsession over unicorns or camels is weird thumbnail

Next Wave: The obsession over unicorns or camels is weird

First published 19 November 2023 Africa investors need to learn to make VC math work instead of debating whether the continent needs unicorns or camels. VCs who focus on the math will be fine regardless. Within days of each other last week, Financial Times and Business Insider published interesting articles about investors who are buying
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Unicorns Are More Legit Than You Think thumbnail

Unicorns Are More Legit Than You Think

When most people think of unicorns, they imagine mythological medieval horses with a horn protruding from their heads. They might also consider the Chinese conception of unicorns, chimeric entities that represent wealth and prosperity. Or perhaps they envision the Greek interpretation based on Persian depictions of the majestic beast. Cultural variations aside, one thing’s for…
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