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Why Venezuela wants to seize a big chunk of its smaller neighbor thumbnail

Why Venezuela wants to seize a big chunk of its smaller neighbor

MEXICO CITY — Concerns that an armed conflict may be imminent in the northern hinterlands of South America eased somewhat Thursday as the leaders of Venezuela and neighboring Guyana pledged to find a peaceful solution to a territorial dispute that has been simmering for centuries but has recently heated up anew.The prospect of a military confrontation emerged
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Venezuela shuts down crypto mining facilities, exchanges amid corruption probe thumbnail

Venezuela shuts down crypto mining facilities, exchanges amid corruption probe

According to Venezuela’s attorney general office, government officials were running parallel oil operations with the assistance of the national crypto department. 9849 Total views 32 Total shares Own this piece of history Collect this article as an NFTVenezuela’s energy supplier has shut down crypto mining facilities throughout the country as part of a reorganization of
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Venezuela Will Peg Minimum Wage to Nation’s Cryptocurrency thumbnail

Venezuela Will Peg Minimum Wage to Nation’s Cryptocurrency

The nation's economy has deteriorated since Maduro took power in 2013 following the death of Hugo Chávez. Key Takeaways Venezuela's president announced a major minimum wage increase yesterday to a crowd of 10,000. The wages would be pegged to a half of a Petro, a cryptocurrency that launched in 2018, backed by the Bolivarian Republic…
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Venezuela called on Celac to face unilateral coercive measures thumbnail

Venezuela called on Celac to face unilateral coercive measures

El canciller de Venezuela, Félix Plasencia, convocó hoy a los países de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (Celac) a unirse para enfrentar las medidas coercitivas unilaterales de Estados Unidos y sus aliados. Durante su intervención en la XXII Cumbre de Cancilleres del ente, en Argentina, el ministro de Relaciones Exteriores venezolano denunció el…
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Venezuela will reach 50% of vaccinated people this week thumbnail

Venezuela will reach 50% of vaccinated people this week

El presidente de la República, Nicolás Maduro, informó este domingo que esta semana que inicia este lunes 04 de octubre Venezuela debe arribar al 50% de personas vacunadas contra el covid-19 Durante un balance de la lucha contra el covid-19,el Jefe de Estado informó que el país se está trabajando con dos bilógicos vacunales para…
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