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5 posts
Water’s role in regulating muscle contraction speed thumbnail

Water’s role in regulating muscle contraction speed

A University of Michigan study found that water flow within muscle fibers may control muscle contraction speed. Most animals use muscles to move, and muscles are about 70% water. However, what limits muscle performance needs to be clarified. Previous research focused on the molecular level, not considering muscle fibers’ three-dimensional, fluid-filled structure. U-M physicist Suraj
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Warm Waters Are Causing The Earth To Dim thumbnail

Warm Waters Are Causing The Earth To Dim

New research tracking the albedo of our planet—its ability to reflect sunlight—has revealed that a complex interplay of periodical weather patterns in the Pacific Ocean affects our overall cloud cover, especially in the sky west of the Americas. This in turn has a large impact on the amount of light absorbed rather than reflected from…
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New Wreck Sunk In The Waters Off Belize thumbnail

New Wreck Sunk In The Waters Off Belize

A new wreck diving site has been established in the waters off Belize. The Witconcrete was sunk at Blackbird Caye, in the Turneffe Atoll Marine Reserve. The ship was one of the largest ever deployed to the Caribbean, coming in at an impressive 375ft/114m. The Witconcrete was built between 1942 and 1944, and during its…
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