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5 posts
Wi-Fi routers are being hit by a dangerous new Android malware with extra DNS hacks
Home News Computing (Image credit: A new Android app has been found tricking unsuspecting users (even those with clean devices) into visiting malicious versions of popular websites, where they might end up giving away their login credentials, or even worse - money. The findings come courtesy of Kaspersky, which found a malicious Android app carrying
January 20, 2023
The 5GHz “Problem” for Wi-Fi Networks: DFS (2018)
Wi-Fi networking provides us with 2 bands for the operation of wireless LAN networks: the 2.4Ghz band and the 5GHz band. The 2.4GHz band has a reputation of being something of a “sewer” of a band, due to its limited number of usable channels, the number of Wi-Fi devices already using the band, and the
December 26, 2022
机构称Wi-Fi 6今年将成主流:Wi-Fi 5正被市场加速淘汰 -Fi
对于普通用户来说,对Wi-Fi 6/6E感知最强的应该就是无线路由、手机、笔记本等设备了,实际上,大部分新出的产品都已经支持Wi-Fi 6甚至Wi-Fi 6E了,不过需要发射和接受设备都满足条件才能享受Wi-Fi 6/6E的速度。按照设计规范,Wi-Fi 6的理论峰值速度在9.6Gbps,这意味着除了接入带宽、网口等都不能拉跨。最近报道了不少Wi-Fi 7的消息,不过考虑到标准还在制定,正式推出要到2024年,显然对于相当一部分用户来说,Wi-Fi 6还是更实用的选择。Wi-Fi 7(802.11be)的峰值速度有望逼近48Gbps,但TrendForce的观点是实际应用最快也得2023年底。
January 26, 2022
Wi-Fi 6 Release 2 is here to further confuse you about the Wi-Fi standard, but it also brings something new
Wi-Fi 6 je već značajan korak napred u odnosu na prethodne standarde bežičnog interneta, sa boljim performansama čak i u gusto naseljenim stambenim kompleksima ili kancelarijama. Već postoji i Wi-Fi 6E, koji nudi bolju propusnost zahvaljujući oslanjanju na frekvenciju od 6 GHz, a ne na 5 GHz ili 2,4 GHz. I da stvar bude još…
January 5, 2022
TP-Link’s New Wi-Fi 6 Router Puts Gamers in the Fast Lane
Aimed squarely at gamers, the new TP-Link Archer GX90 (AX6600) is a tri-band router that supports Wi-Fi 6 and boasts a tempting and impressive list of the latest features. The striking design and “fast lane” to prioritize gaming on a dedicated 5-GHz band that tops out at 4.8 Gbps clearly state its intentions, but you…
October 3, 2021