Take-Two hopes to buy mobile gaming studio Zynga for a record sum

Take-Two espère racheter le studio Zynga, spécialisé dans le jeu mobile, pour une somme record

In recent years, the video game industry has entered an era of concentration, in which every major player hopes to redeem just about anything that moves. The editor Take-Two brings us the proof today by offering itself a heavyweight of the mobile game for a record sum.

If you thought that Microsoft’s takeover of ZeniMax in 2020 was going to allow an entire industry to ease off stratospheric takeovers, you were wisely wrong. It must be said that since the (failed) attempt to acquire Codemasters, Take-Two must have had a few billion dollars to spend more or less quickly. Since the giant Electronic Arts had stolen the bet , the publisher of Grand Theft Auto wants to ” offer Zynga, specializing in mobile games, for the tidy sum of $ 12.7 billion .

Take-Two takes everything

The company founded in 2007 and based in San Francisco has made a name for itself thanks to the success of a certain Farmville, released in 2009 via the social network Facebook, before meeting success via its mobile games Zynga Poker. Ironically, Zynga had also entered a phase of redemptions, since the studios Echtra Games, Chartboost and StarLark had fallen into its purse only in 2021, for a few 800 million dollars.

To hope to close the deal, Take-Two intends to seduce the shareholders of Zynga, who will see each other offer compensation of $ 9.86 per share, including $ 6.36 in Take-Two stock, according to information from the Wall Street Journal . Following this announcement, Zynga stock was up 44% at the opening of the NASDAQ. For its part, Take-Two lost 14% …

The dark side of mobile gaming

Unsurprisingly, Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick was obviously delighted with this announcement, which will make his group a new heavyweight in mobile gaming, even though Zynga was showing losses amounting to $ 430 million in 2020, despite 2 billion in turnover on the same period:

This transaction will significantly diversify our business and establish our leadership position in mobile gaming, the fastest growing segment of the interactive entertainment industry. C This strategic combination will bring together our best console and PC licenses from a market-leading mobile platform. We look forward to welcoming Zynga to the Take-Two family in the coming months.

This juicy operation will allow the publisher to see the share of revenue due to mobile games go from 12% to 50% by the next fiscal year. It still has to be accepted by the shareholders of the two companies concerned and the market regulatory authorities. Everyone will have to come to an agreement before June 30, 2022.

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