Teen Mom fans concerned for Rachel Beaver after she suffers ‘sad’ breakdown over insecurities about her appearance


TEEN Mom fans expressed their sympathy for Rachel Beaver after she broke down on tonight’s episode over her “insecurities”.

The reality star opened up about her low self-esteem after putting in contact lenses for the first time.

Rachel Beaver revealed her 'insecurities' on tonight's episode of Teen Mom


Rachel Beaver revealed her ‘insecurities’ on tonight’s episode of Teen MomCredit: MTV

She was on the edge of tears after seeing herself with contact lenses for the first time


She was on the edge of tears after seeing herself with contact lenses for the first timeCredit: MTV

On tonight’s episode of Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant, 20-year-old Rachel put in contacts for the first time as she prepared to take her drive test.

However, the mom-of-one, who is used to going around “blurry”, was upset by the experience.

“I’m not liking what I’m seeing,” she told her boyfriend, Noah.

“Why’s that?” he asked

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“Because I can see everything on my face. I will never be wearing these unless I’m driving, I can guarantee it,” she said.

About to burst into tears, Rachel then ran off to the bathroom where she gave herself some negative talk in the mirror.

“Look at these crust-augly, corn-kernel teeth abh. There.”

Although Noah tried to laugh off his girlfriend’s rant, she continued: “I don’t want my contacts in. I’m feeling so self-conscious now.

“I do my makeup without contacts so it’s kind of like a blur…. I’m just seeing all my insecurities.”

As the scene aired, many viewers took to Twitter to express their worries for the MTV star.

One wrote: “That’s really sad that she doesn’t want to wear her contacts because she doesn’t want to look at herself!”

Another agreed: “Lord, Rachel… who knew contacts would do this.”

A third urged Rachel to “calm down” while another claimed she “clearly has a lot of issues.”


In a confessional, Rachel revealed more about her negative self-image.

“I was ugly from about ten up. And I’m just gonna say it, I like myself as a blur, because you can’t see all your insecurities, I guess.

“I just didn’t really notice it because I was blind for so long.”


However, Rachel has radically changed her appearance since the episode was filmed.

She recently took to TikTok to show off her new hairstyle, which features a fringe and brunette-blonde highlights.

In the clip, the Tennessee native also flaunted her slim figure wearing just her underwear and a crop top.

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Rachel shares three-year-old Hazalee with Drew Brooks, who was released from jail this month after being charged with attempted homicide.

Noah started dating Rachel in 2021, and he has since grown close with Hazalee.

Rachel recently underwent a radical hair transformation


Rachel recently underwent a radical hair transformationCredit: TIKTOK/xxray_bx

She shares three-year-old Hazalee with baby daddy Drew Brooks


She shares three-year-old Hazalee with baby daddy Drew BrooksCredit: Instagram

Rachel is one member of the Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant line up


Rachel is one member of the Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant line upCredit: MTV

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