Telia changes Telia X.

“Takes a Telenor” and introduces speed classes.

Telia har frem til nå bare hatt ett enkelt X-abonnement med ubegrenset data. Nå blir det tre.

Telia has forward until now only had a single X subscription with unlimited data. Now there will be three.

Stein Jarle Olsen,

divides its Telia X subscription with “unlimited data” into three new subscriptions. In practice, they do like Telenor and the underrated Talkmore by appreciating speed, not data.

Here are the new Telia X subscriptions:

  • Telia X Normal:

    Up to 15 Mbit / sec up to 100 GB, then 3 Mbit / sec. 499, – / mnd Telia X Fast:

    Up to 150 Mbit / sec up to 100 GB, then 3 Mbit / sec. 549, – / mnd Telia X Max:

    Up to 1000 Mbit / sec up to 100 GB, then 3 Mbit / sec. 699, – / mnd without speed limit and costs 549 kroner a month. Thus, in practice there is a certain degradation of the conditions, since in future you will have to pay 699 kroner a month for the same as today costs 549 kroner.

    The exception is the most affordable Telia X subscription, which is thus NOK 50 cheaper than before, but introduces a speed limit of 15 Mbit / sec. As before, the speed is reduced to 3 Mbit / sec as soon as you reach 100 GB of data in one month.

    However, Telia assures that existing Telia X customers will retain the current conditions, but there is one exception. If you want to add more Telia X users to the same invoice, it will still cost 399 kroner per extra user, but then the existing users must switch to one of the three new subscriptions to get the family discount.

    Compared with the main competitor Telenor, Telia is thus still slightly more favorable. Telenor limits its three Next subscriptions to 10 Mbit / sec, 100 Mbit / sec and 1000 Mbit / sec (actually “unlimited”), respectively, and they also pay better than Telia – NOK 549, 599 and 799.

    Like Telia, Telenor also offers a family discount if you have several users on the same invoice, but divide into more than 18 (449 kroner) and less than 18 years (349 kroner). A small trump card at Telenor and Talkmore is, however, that you get the same conditions in the EU / EEA as in Norway, something you do not get at Telia.

    However, both Telia and Telenor are far from the terms of the two sharpest providers, namely Chilimobil and Happybytes. Both offer free speed, but have a slight difference in how much data you can use before the speed goes down, with 100 GB at Chilimobil and 108 GB at Happybytes. The price is 398 kroner, but here you get no family discount.

    In addition, you have Ice, which offers its service Data Freedom, where you get up to 1000 GB with 10 Mbit / sec where Ice has its own network coverage (94% of Norway’s population has access, according to Ice). This is an additional service that can be added to a regular Ice subscription from 7 GB and up. The price will then be NOK 249 for the subscription itself and NOK 99 for Data Freedom, ie NOK 348 per month. Undeniably a good offer if you have Ice coverage where you live or stay a lot.

    Here are the different subscriptions with “free” or “unlimited” data now:

    Normal / Fast / Max Free Data

    ISK 398 / month 249 + 99 kr / mnd

    FreeFree 10 Mbit / sec 10 Mbit / 100 Mbit / 1000 Mbit / sec Mbit / 100Mbit / 1000Mbit / sec 100 GB 100 GB 108 GB

    Data Freedom does not work on Gemini.

    Free Data 7 GB + Data Freedom Unlimited Normal / Fast / Maximum Natural/Rask/Maximal 499/549/699 kr / month 398 kr / month 499/549/799 kr / month 549/599/799 kr / mnd 15 Mbit / 150 Mbit / fri 1007 GB

    100 GB 100 GB

    3 Mbit / sec

    3 Mbit / sec 3 Mbit / sec
    3 Mbit / sec 3 Mbit / sec
    30 / 30/42 GB 27 GB 24 GB Same as in Norway. Same as in Norway.
    Check Check Swap <circle cx="12" cy="12" r="3.2"></circle> Check Check NOK 399 per additional user. ID insurance, Online and app purchase insurance incl. 1000 calling minutes to the Nordic / Baltic countries included. – – Data Freedom data only applies in the Ice + network. 15% discount for customers under 30. NOK 349/449 for per additional user under / over 18 years. Web Browser, See Who, Web Protection and My Sky included.

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