The Average Viewer Of The CW Is 58?

The Average Viewer Of The Cw Is 58
The CW

In a call with analysts today following their confirmation of plans to acquire a majority stake in The CW, executives from Nexstar Media Group revealed more of their intentions.

Whilst their mission is to turn the network into a more cost-conscious broadcaster that appeals to a broader audience, the real revelation was some data about the network’s demographics.

Nexstar President and COO Tom Carter revealed that the average CW viewer is 58 years old – which he thinks is why the broadcast network is also the lowest-rated among all five as its programming targets the 18-to-34 audience demographic.

The CW has always been sold on its appeal to teens and twentysomethings with its various DC Arrowverse shows like “The Flash” and “Legends of Tomorrow,” to dramas like “Riverdale,” “Reign,” and “All American”.

Carter also says in the near future, The CW will add more cost-effective unscripted programming and “high-quality syndicated programming” as opposed to its prior focus on “expensive, original scripted content, which is uncommon among major broadcast networks.”

Carter confirmed no decisions have been made in terms of cancellations or renewals for shows like “All American” and “Superman & Lois”.

Source: TV Line

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