The capacity of 50 people in the OP regime at cultural events is likely to change. The government will update the decree

The events are initially set for a maximum of 50 people in the OP mode

Decree on the organization of mass events to be updated the conditions for the opening of cultural events will be issued by the Public Health Office (ÚVZ) of the Slovak Republic after the official conclusions of the meeting of the Government of the Slovak Republic on this issue will be known on Monday (January 10).

The Cabinet will hold a hearing on the last resolution on Monday morning

From Monday, open cultural events in the OP regime for a maximum of 50 visitors . On Friday (January 7), the Minister of Culture of the Slovak Republic Natália Milanová (OĽANO) announced this during the government meeting, stating that the rules will be specified by a decree of the Public Health Office (ÚVZ) of the Slovak Republic. Most of the cultural institutions are waiting for the decree

On Monday morning, the cabinet is to discuss the resolution to be submitted online by the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic.

Representatives of the cultural community disagreed over the weekend with the announced form of easing the conditions for live culture. They consider this to be insufficient, so they request a meeting and personal discussion with the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic Eduard Heger (OĽANO), the Minister of Culture and the Minister of Health of the Slovak Republic Vladimír Lengvarský (OĽANO nominee) as soon as possible

to re-evaluate the conditions for the opening of cultural events so that from 18 January it will be possible to implement them with the fulfillment of at least 50% of the capacity of spectator spaces and in the OTP regime, ie also for the tested. The Prime Minister has not yet commented on the TASR question on the request for a meeting

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