The cold continues today

The expected cold snap continued today, with daily temperatures falling by a few more degrees compared to previous days, but still remaining higher than usual for the season.

The coldest was in Vidin and Montana – 2 degrees, and in Pleven and Vratsa were reported 3. There was also precipitation, more significant in the eastern part of the country.

And next day will remain cloudy, as the minimum temperatures will be between 1 ° and 6 °, and the maximum – between 5 ° and 10 °. By noon only in some places, and in the afternoon already in more places, mainly in the southwestern half of the country there will be light rainfall.

In the extreme northwestern regions the rain will be briefly mixed with snow. The wind will be light, in Eastern Bulgaria to moderate, from the east.

There will be light precipitation on the Black Sea coast, mainly in the southern regions. It will blow to a moderate wind from the east-southeast, and the sea wave will be 3 points.

In the mountains the clouds will be significant, but it will also be foggy. In some places it will snow, below about 1200-1300 meters – rain.

A moderate south wind will blow, with which temperatures will rise slightly and the maximum in the resorts will be from minus 1 to 3 degrees

And to the weather in Europe. There will be more hours of sunshine in the southern parts of the Iberian Peninsula and in Poland. Above the rest, most of the continent will be cloudy. In many places with rainfall, and in the Alps, Germany, Eastern Europe and the western regions of European Russia – with snowfall.

Snow will also fall in the Balkans, mainly in Serbia and Romania. Rainfall will be mainly in the southern half of the peninsula, which will intensify in the evening and cover more areas.

In our country, rainfall is expected in the first half of the new week, which, however they will gradually turn into snow. Temperatures will go down and on Wednesday morning we will have values ​​from minus 6 to minus 1 degrees, and the maximum in many areas will remain negative.

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