The Community Spotlight 2022.03.05

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Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight! I, @zombiepie, am once again honored to be your host as we look back at the best community-created works from the last week! With Spring right around the corner, people are having a fun time with video games again! As you might expect, Elden Ring is STILL the main talking point among the community and the staff. Speaking of which, please join the rest of the community in thanking Tamoor for what he shared during the Bombcast about the Elden Ring embargo and needing to work long hours for his review.

Some important promotions happened over at GameSpot! First, Jean-Luc Seipke, who you may have seen covering for Jan on the site before, has been promoted to the position of Senior Video Producer at GameSpot!

Second, Mat Elfring has been promoted to “Senior Entertainment Editor.” You may not know Mat, but he was originally a Comic Vine community member that chased their dreams, got a job writing about comics at Comic Vine, and now is the guy who talks to you about comic book backstories on GameSpot. It’s certainly what we call a “character arc.” There are others of you who have gone on to do things bigger than you could have imagined when the site first started. Lest we forget, a certain moon king is now working at Hardcore Gaming 101.

Finally, to repeat a point from last week that is still important, GameSpot has written up a great article listing the many charities that are working to alleviate the suffering in Ukraine in light of Russia’s invasion of the country. If you would like to see something similar on the site, or have any additional charity suggestions, feel free to drop a comment.


I guess I’m allowed to say the thing.
I’ve been promoted to Senior Video Producer at @GameSpot!!

— Jean-Luc Seipke (@JeanLucSeipke) February 28, 2022


Every Day & Night Fuecoco (By: @kone)

If you enjoy this “UPDATED” Monday Night Combat banner Kone made for Jan, don’t forget to thank them for their latest creative effort on the forums! I think we can all agree that they, yet again, NAILED it!

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Cortana As a Rabbid (By: @lcom)

During the 726th episode of the Bombcast Jess theorized how Halo’s Cortana should be replaced by the Rabbids from the Rayman franchise. For reasons that are still unknown to the world, LCom obliged with their fantasy.

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JeffJeff’s Bizarre Adventure Fan-Edit (By: MellowMarketer)

If this image makes no sense to you, then you have yet to listen to the entirety of the most recent episode of JeffJeff’s Bizarre Adventure. Do that NOW if you have not done so already.

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JeffJeff’s Bizarre Adventure Logo PNG (By: @permanentsigh)

I forgot to say this earlier, but many thanks to permanentsigh for taking the logo of JeffJeff’s Bizarre Adventure and turning it into an easy to edit .png! With that in mind… BRING THE MEMES!

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Infernax Is The 5th Selection Of The UUGPGC. Complete By 3/14/2022 To Participate. Mark Spoilers! (By: @bigsocrates)

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Infernax is the 5th selection of the Giant Bomb Community Game Pass Game Club! If you have any early non-spoiler impressions of the game feel free to click the link! If you want to learn more about the game, also feel free to join the fun!

Group Elden Ring Password For The Giant Bomb Community? (By: @instinct666)

Any Elden Ring fans interested in setting up a Group Password Community? Does it work? Are there any pitfalls to be aware of? Comment with your input and share your interest level using the link above!

Lost Ark Guild on Vykas (By: @deathfromace)

Fun fact, all of the Elden Ring screenshots come from the community!
Fun fact, all of the Elden Ring screenshots come from the community!

Are there any community members out there interested in playing in a Giant Bomb community guild for Lost Ark on Vykas? If that sounds like something you want to sign up for, here’s the link for you to drop a comment!


An Alternative Beginner’s Guide to Elden Ring (By: @allthedinos)

Cheese, glorious cheese!
Cheese, glorious cheese!

ALLTheDinos decided to write an “honest” Beginner’s Guide to Elden Ring that promises to cut to the chase. Seriously, the tips and tricks don’t beat around the bush and advise new players what they should do to maximize your fun.

Are Open World Games Better With Limited Storytelling? (By: @csl316)

This continues to sound like something I want to check out in a few years.
This continues to sound like something I want to check out in a few years.

csl316 takes to the site to make their case that most open-world games should stick to “limited storytelling” rather than full-blown narratives outside of a handful of exceptions.

Is T-Edition the ULTIMATE Final Fantasy VI Romhack? (Pt 4) (By: @doublecakes)

DoubleCakes continues their blog retrospective of the T-Edition Final Fantasy VI Romhack! Read why they think by the game’s midpoint it starts to lose some of its charm.

The Quest For The Worst Adventure Game Puzzles Ever Made – Drowned God (I Accidentally Played A Game Made By A Murderer) (By: @zombiepie)

Moderator ZombiePie has a new episode of their “The Quest For The Worst Adventure Game Puzzles Ever Made” series! This time they examine the conspiratorial Drowned God, a game time has forgotten, and for good reason!

The Wheel of Dubious FPSes Episode 21-22: Killing Time and Witchaven (SEASON FINALE) +

The Wheel of Dubious FPSes Episode 19-20: Nosferatu Wrath of Malachi and Perfect Dark Zero (By: @arbitrarywater)

No two puzzles in an adventure game are alike, and that's what makes them fun.
No two puzzles in an adventure game are alike, and that’s what makes them fun.

ArbitraryWater wraps up the latest season of their “Wheel of Dubious FPSs” series on Giant Bomb with an exhaustive look at Killing Time, Witchaven, Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi, AND Perfect Dark Zero! Use the links above to read and discover which games maxed out their “Dubiosity” scale.

Indie Game Of The Week 259: 8 Bit Space +

64 in 64: Episode 4 (By: @mento)

Mento recently checked out 8 Bit Space for their latest “Indie Game of the Week” blog and you can see how they think the love letter to the ZX Spectrum panned out! Likewise, Mento has some real HEAVY-HITTERS in the latest edition of their 64 in 64 blog series! If you want to see how slightly over one hour of Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber and Blast Corps treated them, click the link above!

What’s the Greatest Video Game: Sonic Adventure (By: @imunbeatable80)

Is Mento of
Is Mento of “Lordly Caliber?” Read to find out!

It’s time for imunbeatable80 to take a stand regarding Sonic Adventure! Read if they consider it an all-time classic worth going back to, or something that has not stood the test of time.

Mobile Game of the Week: NJPW Strong Spirits (By: @daavpuke)

Daavpuke wrote another Mobile Game of the Week! This time, they get into the newly released NJPW Strong Spirits, because they just HAD to know what that’s about as someone who has only recently rekindled their love for wrestling.

Discussion Threads

So About Elden Ring’s Combat… (By: @purpleshyguy)

Really impressive stuff!
Really impressive stuff!

For those of you playing Elden Ring in the community, what are your impressions of the game’s combat? Does it improve upon previous Souls games? What do you think about the speed of the combat?

Post Your Elden Ring Screenshots! (By: @rubberbabybuggybumpers)

Due to popular demand, we now have a Community Elden Ring Screenshot sharing thread! Use the link to share any impressive screencaps you have taken while playing the game! Here are some recent submissions.

Easiest Dark Souls Boss To Give A Description Of? (By: @captainofthestars)


Here’s a fun community activity on the forums for all of you Souls fans: describe your favorite and least favorite bosses in the most simplistic way possible without saying their name. Here are some impressive responses!

Gran Turismo 7 Discussion Thread (By: @gtxforza)

Are there any community members that have been following the reviews for Gran Turismo 7? What are your main takeaways from what you have read or seen? Join the discussion on our forums and also feel free to share your hype!

Happy 5th Anniversary Of The Nintendo Switch! (By: @gtxforza)

It’s weird to think, but the Nintendo Switch launched worldwide five years ago! Join the rest of the community in discussing the console’s highlights and best moments as well as where we would all like to see the console go next!

How Do You Use Your Switch/Steam Deck? (By: @bitbat)

The Switch being five weirds me the heck out!
The Switch being five weirds me the heck out!

To those who own a Switch or Steam Deck, how mobile do you plan to use your device(s)? Are there any of you that use these consoles/devices fully stationary? Join the discussion using the link.

Batman Batman Batman…The Batman What Is The Consensus On The New Movie? (By: @topcyclist)

Who has seen or plans to see the new Batman movie? Join the community discussion debating the creation of yet another gritty Batman movie!

*SPOILERSHorizon Forbidden West Story Discussion *SPOILERS* (By: @tartyron)

If you’ve been looking for a thread to discuss Horizon Forbidden West SPOILERS and other specific story details, here is the link to the official SPOILER & ending discussion on the forums. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!


2021 GOTY (By: @partyelectrify)

Again, don't worry if you are just now comfortable about making a GOTY list.
Again, don’t worry if you are just now comfortable about making a GOTY list.

The start of the year is already off to a rocky start for PartyElectrify, but they finally got around to making their 2021 GOTY list! Give it a read, and remember, I am happy to promote your lists!

Community Reviews

Still a venerable classic after just a few scant years?
Still a venerable classic after just a few scant years?

Wiki Of The Week

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Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM

We have gotten Yu-Gi-Oh! on the site from time to time thanks to Jan, but the wiki page for Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM recently got an AMAZING re-haul thanks to @bobafettjm worth checking out as well!

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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