Immortal Dusko Radovic had a lot of wise thoughts on the topic of children and parents, and one of them was “It’s hard to be a child and be good”, but in this special in this case it can be said that his is not valid. And that is because of one kid and his band that softened the region.

Namely, a photo of a band about a superhero appeared on social networks. The boy had the task of writing about someone he admires and he chose his brother Nikola. After reading, no one remained indifferent.

– My brother Nikola wears a hearing aid, which sticks like a magnet. He says those are his super ears. They are his superpower that helps him learn in school and hear everything around him. He helps me with everything. He helps me with my homework and defends me if someone touches me. – He’s my super brother. It annoys me that children laugh if someone doesn’t hear well. I think they are jealous that he has superpowers. I also have some superpowers, but I haven’t discovered them yet – he wrote.

The comments were positive and full of enthusiasm, and everyone emphasized the beautiful emotions and home upbringing of the little boy.


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