The Dangerous Scapegoating of the ‘Unvaccinated’ Reaches Ridiculous New Levels

Every terrible president needs a scapegoat for the results of their awful policies, and Joe Biden thinks he’s found his — the unvaccinated.

For months now, Biden has spoken of those who haven’t gotten the COVID vaccine as not only second-class citizens but also as some kind of immoral scum worthy of rebuke and scorn. We saw that perfectly illustrated in his speech announcing a federal vaccine mandate for private businesses (which hasn’t actually materialized) in which the president threatened the unvaccinated, said his patience toward them is running out, and blamed them for all of life’s ills.

Stub your toe last night? That’s the fault of the unvaccinated. Low approval ratings for Joe Biden? Those darn unvaccinated are responsible. Think I’m kidding? Here’s was the White House’s line today.

REPORTER: “What do you make of these really terrible polls?”@PressSec: “This is a really tough time in our country…we still have 20% of the country who’ve decided not to get vaccinated.”

— (@townhallcom) October 8, 2021

There are two parts to this: the absurdity and the danger.

On the first front, it’s clearly idiotic to suggest that disapproval of Joe Biden is somehow caused by people not getting vaccinated. Given the president is for mandates, it would logically follow that he would not be blamed for people who ultimately don’t choose to get the COVID shots. Given that, Psaki is probably thinking more broadly when she attempts her ridiculous scapegoating.

The contention here is likely that economic woes are dragging Biden down and that those economic woes would not exist if everyone would get vaccinated. But that doesn’t follow at all given the lowest unemployment rates are almost exclusively in red states that lack heavy mitigation and mandates. In other words, any economic issues that are being hung around Biden’s neck are self-inflicted by nonsensical policies. They could be fixed tomorrow by exercising some common sense and ending the divisive war on the unvaccinated.

It’s absolutely farcical for the White House to keep blaming the unvaccinated for all their woes. The unvaccinated are not responsible for the foreign policy disasters. They aren’t responsible for the nation’s massive inflationary boom. They certainly aren’t at fault for the border crisis. Everything that is dragging Biden’s approval down has nothing to do with vaccination status.

Lastly, it’s dangerous to demonize a group of people the way the White House is doing here. Divisions run deep, and stoking them can lead to violence. The science says that everyone can spread COVID, therefore there is no reason to segregate and single out anyone regarding their vaccination status. Individual risk can be assessed and acted on via personal choice. Not to mention the reality of natural immunity in so many who haven’t gotten the shots, but I digress.

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