The doctor recommends Zeman to return to the hospital, the president refuses

The attending physician advised Czech President Miloš Zeman to return to the Central Military Hospital (ÚVN) in Prague, where he was hospitalized in September

However, the president refused. The news server informed about it on Tuesday, referring to the Czech Deník N.

Doctor Miroslav Zavoral, who is the director of ÚVN, repeatedly treated the president and visited him on Monday, when he recommended his return. to the hospital.

Opposition politicians during Tuesday’s meeting of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic said that the Castle should publish details about the president’s state of health, writes Presidential spokesman Jiří Ovčáček denied reports of the deteriorating health of Zeman.

Elections to the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic will take place in the Czech Republic on Friday and Saturday (October 8 and 9)

Zeman in September spent eight days in the hospital. Prague Castle described this stay as reconditioning. According to a spokesman for Hrad, the president underwent several examinations during his hospitalization. They found that the president was suffering from mild exhaustion and dehydration and was therefore receiving infusions. Immediately after his discharge from Zeman Hospital, he resumed his work program.

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