The elite left blinded to the crimes of immigrants

11 January 2022 – 16:26

From Pamela to Desirée, from Saman to the events in Milan: when to commit violence against women are immigrants, the left loses its voice and turns its gaze away

La sinistra elitaria cieca sui crimini degli immigrati

For now, the number of cases, the number of girls harassed in Piazza Duomo on New Year’s Eve, has risen to nine. For now, the suspects for those barbaric violence, the result of a culture that theorizes sexual incursions against the women are twelve. All quite young boys . Ages range from fifteen to twenty-one. At least three of the pack that targeted the young people in the square to celebrate are minors. All (without exception!) Are foreigners or Italians of North African origin. Which doesn’t change the gist. Because, just like in Cologne in 2016, they practiced a ritual “punitive expedition”, the taharrush gamea (literally from the Arabic “to attack and harass women in the street”), which years ago began to be practiced in Egypt in conjunction with the holiday of Id al-fitr . Yet, despite all this, don’t expect to see progressives, feminists and immigration ultras denounce impossible (or at least missed) integration as the hours go by.

It’s a real cliché. From Pamela Mastropietro , the 19-year-old from Macerata killed, mutilated, stuffed into a suitcase and banged on side of a road, in Desirée Mariottini , the sixteen year old killed in an abandoned building in the district of San Lorenzo in Rome. From Saman Abbas , the 18-year-old who disappeared in Novellara last year and never found again, at brutal harassment last year in Milan. Crime cases are no longer isolated alarm bells and, although very different from each other, they have a dramatic common denominator: the embarrassing silence of our local left unable to deal with the violence committed by immigrants . Always in line to denounce femicides or more generally the abuses against women (do you remember the case of Greta Beccaglia ?), when a foreigner commits them, inexplicably they all lose their voices. We had already talked about it in the days when we searched far and wide the body of Saman , who disappeared after this had come into conflict with the family for its too Western lifestyle. At the time, in a very interesting interview with Nation , the sociologist Luca Ricolfi had explained that the reasons for this guilty silence were sought in the “special attention” that progressives reserve for islam . “The left – he explained – fears that the more embarrassing sides of that culture, and in particular its way of treating woman, compromise the political project of becoming the electoral representatives of that world, thanks to the enlargement of the right to vote for immigrants “.

Ricolfi is not the only one to think so. Within the Democratic Party you have to go to Reggio Emilia to find someone to raise the problem . Speaking of poor Saman, the councilor dem Marwa Mahmoud had admitted that in the Nazarene “there is fear of intervening on these There has been underestimation in the last twenty years “. An underestimation (or, better still, a political calculation) that has prompted the various secretaries who have alternated at the top of the Democratic Party to turn their gaze the other way and big party of the party not to report certain crimes when they do not play their political “game”. An inability to read the reality that in recent days has pushed the metropolitan secretary of the Democratic Party Silvia Roggiani to say that the violence in Piazza Duomo is ” behaviors born of a patriarchal culture “ inherent in our society. A monstrosity denied by the facts but which Enrico Letta felt obliged to defend when the deputy minister Northern League player Alessandro Morelli reminded the dem of the essential link between what happened in Milan and the lack of integration resulting from an uncontrolled immigration. It is no coincidence that the investigators found disturbing similarities with the so-called “fluid bands” which on the evening of 3 July 2017, during the screening of the final of the Champions Juventus-Real Madrid, had sparked panic in the center of Turin. A violence that breeds in the banlieue of Northern Italy , now abandoned by an increasingly elitist left.

Before Saman Abbas there was the brutal murder of Sana Cheema . And before that there was that of Hina Saleem . Photocopy cases. The same goes for New Year’s harassment. The precedent of Cologne had made a lot of talk, six years ago, even here in Italy. Perhaps even more than what happened in Milan is causing talk. What happened to the feminists? And the ultras of the politically correct? And the Taliban of the integration ? Why does no one kneel in parliament? Why does no one parade for these young women? Because no one says that this culture that destroys women’s bodies must not find space in our country and that, if second generation immigrants (those with Italian identity cards in their wallets) commit certain crimes, then it means that the much vaunted integration is just a mirage that only the left can still believe?

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