The end of the year on the WSE. The Biomed fired again

2021-12-29 17:50

2021-12-29 17:50

Wzrostowa końcówka roku na GPW. Biomed kolejny raz odpalił
Wzrostowa końcówka roku na GPW. Biomed kolejny raz odpalił

photo. Krystian Maj / / FORUM

The session on Wednesday brought slight changes to the main Warsaw indices. Smaller companies were better than WIG and WIG20. Biomed once again surprised with its strong growth.

In the face of information about new records of coronavirus infections in countries such as Italy, Great Britain (approx. 130 thousand), USA (approx. 240 thousand) or France (approx. 180 thousand) and the daily record in the world (over 1.44 million infections), the markets this week seem to be nevertheless focused on increases, implementing the scenario of “St. Nicholas’. Perhaps the data showing fewer hospitalizations due to infection with the new virus variant are calming.

It cannot be denied that the next day trading takes place with low turnover without the participation of large capital, although the stock exchanges have fully resumed operation after the Christmas break . Slightly weaker yesterday’s session in the US, coupled with downturns in Asia, caused mixed moods in the European core markets on Wednesday. At the close of the session in Warsaw, the DAX was losing 0.7 percent, the CAC40 was 0.3 percent lower, but the FTSE100 was growing by about 0.75 percent.

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WIG20 was not so correlated with DAX on Wednesday and despite declines in Frankfurt scored 0.37 percent. growth. Before the last session of the year, it is at the level of 2,260 points. Companies outside the top 20 were better. mWI40 after an increase by 0.66 percent scored the seventh consecutive session on the plus side . Small companies from sWIG80 gained the most and ended the day at 1 , 93 percent above. This translated into an increase in WIG140 by 0 , 56 percent However, the entire WIG WIG finished at 69 149 points, which means an increase of 0.6% . The market generated only PLN 707 million in turnover, of which 456 million was generated by WIG20.

Shares of 291 companies increased (74%), only 64 fell (16%) and 37 remained unchanged (10 percent). The most significant growth was in the fuel (2.99%), construction (2.85%) and automotive (2.28%) industries, and only the banking sector was in the red (-0.47%)

The leader of growth among large companies was PGNiG (5.71%). The course has been at the most for almost two months. Incoming information on gas price increases approved by the Energy Regulatory Office and reports on prices in supplies for companies may be in the shallow market it is easy to shape the sentiment towards the largest raw material supplier in the country. the opening of the first leg of a heated gas pipeline on the Norwegian shelf .

Mercator also had an upward session (4.08%), who expects the glove market to balance in 2022 and JSW (4.44 percent), whose shareholders agreed to accept the Jastrzębie III area with employees free of charge to the Mine Restructuring Company .

Companies from the energy and fuel industry grew: Tauron (1.24%) and PGE (2.28%) and PKN Orlen (1.68%) and Lotos (2.29 percent). At PGE collective disputes ended , while PKN Orlen announced a letter of intent regarding the construction of a gas-fired power plant -steam in Gdańsk. There were information about the suspension of exports by Mexico raw material , which on stock exchanges gained in the last 5 sessions , and today includes a correction from almost $ 80. per barrel

Declines were recorded mainly by representatives of the financial world: PKO BP (-1.16%), Pekao (- 1.06%) and PZU (-0.11%).

Asseco gave the most (-1.38 percent), at the premises of which UOKiK conducted a search in connection with the suspicion of a tender collusion with Comarch (-2.02%).

It was interesting on the broad market, which saw several dynamic increases. Biomed increased by 26.02 percent. The company announced on Monday the details of the subsidy contract with PARP.

Bumech (11.46%), CoalEnergy (36.09%) and Bogdanka (5.19%) are heading further north. Getin Bank made up (10.94 percent), who was losing from the beginning of the week after information about the appointment of a probation officer . In sWIG80, many companies recorded over 5% increases, and in addition to the aforementioned, the following also stood out: Polimex (8.77%), Astarta (8.53%), Unimot (8.48%) and BOŚ (8.19%). .)

Without the publication of new reports, the shares of Resbud (16.88%) and Plaza Centers (22.54%) rose. Telesto recently announced an unjustified increase in shares , whose shares on Wednesday fell 17.82 percent. Yolo’s shares are rising for the sixth time in a row, this time by 31.72%

The biggest drop on the WSE was recorded by Investment Friends (-22.73%) and it is the same lowest since February.



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