The first photos of Ivana Španović from the wedding in a wedding dress appeared: “I am proud to be Mrs. Vuleta”

Ivana’s husband Marko Vuleta had an emotional comment with the photo

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Recently Ranč koncept, Ivana Španović, svadba Ivana Spanovic decided to “stand on a crazy stone” and said a fateful “yes” to his chosen one Marko Vuleta , whose last name she decided to wear in the future.

Wedding was held in a ranch near Umčar, and the singer Edita Aradinović was in charge of the atmosphere.

It is interesting that no photo of the newlyweds leaked from this wedding, so no one but the guests could see what Ivana and Marko looked like at their wedding.

However, now it is Marko, who is a fitness instructor , for the first time put o posted a photo showing his and Ivana’s first dance.

He is in an elegant suit, and she is in a white wedding dress with long flowing hair, and the scene was as in a fairy tale.

Ivana and Marko posted their photos from the wedding dress at the same time.

I knew you were the one, because you let me wear sneakers even at the first dance. I am blessed to be yours “until death”, I am proud to be Mrs. Vuleta – wrote Ivana.

I always divided people into viewers and those who really live life. These others are always grateful for each new morning and look forward to each new day. And when you have someone similar to yourself, with whom you can share every morning and day, you are a happy person – wrote Marko Vuleta.

Video: What Ivana’s statement means I will see later: She is still in shock, Paris is not far for her either (2024)

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