The flu vaccine may protect against the severe effects of corona

With the start of the seasonal flu vaccination campaign at the HMOs, when the four of them expect it to go into higher gear starting next week with the end of the holiday week, it is worth noting a study published on August 3 in PLoS One , has been peer-reviewed, according to which “the flu vaccine may also provide some vital protection against severe Covid-19 results.”

The study was conducted by a team from the Miller School of Medicine At the University of Miami in the US and the report was entitled: “Examining the Potential Benefits of the Fluid-19 Generator Fluid Vaccine Vaccine. Its authors claim that it is the largest of its kind in this study, analyzing data from medical records of 74,754 people from several countries, including the United States, Britain, Germany, Italy, Israel and Singapore. Stroke, sepsis, and deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in coronary heart disease patients. To intensive care units. The study was conducted when “only a small proportion of people in the world were fully vaccinated against Covid-19, and with all the devastation caused by the pandemic, the global community still needs to find solutions to reduce morbidity and mortality,” the senior author of the study said. Prof. Devinder Singh, Chief Plastic Surgeon and Lecturer in Clinical Surgery at the Miller School of Medicine in Miami. In each group, a comparison was made of factors that may easily affect the risk of severe or severe Covid-19. The age factor was included but was not a major factor as well as gender, ethnicity, smoking and health problems such as diabetes, obesity and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

No less than 15 adverse disease or health problems were examined, including sepsis, stroke, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, acute respiratory failure, other respiratory syndrome, joint pain, renal failure, anorexia , Heart attack, pneumonia, a visit to the hospital, hospitalization in an intensive care unit and deaths – all within periods of time Of 30, 60, 90 and 120 days receives a positive test for corona and all of these were compared between the two groups.

One part of the total study population received the flu vaccine between two and two weeks before being diagnosed with corona. The second group were positive for the corona virus that was not vaccinated against influenza.

Data analysis revealed that those who were not vaccinated against influenza had a more significant tendency (up to 20% or more) to reach intensive care due to corona. Also those who were not vaccinated were more and significantly more likely to get to the MLRD (to 58% or more), 45% more likely to develop sepsis and also 58% more likely to have a stroke and 40% more likely to have deep vein thrombosis. The risk of mortality is not Depreciation.

The researchers calculated how many positive for Covid-19 needed a flu vaccine to prevent themselves from the above negative consequences (side effects). Thus, only 176 of the patients needed the flu vaccine to prevent one visit to the MLRD within 120 days of receiving a positive test for Corona. Another 286 needed to get the flu vaccine to avoid at least one case of sepsis and for another 440 who received the current flu vaccine, intensive care was avoided.

Although it is not yet clear exactly how the influenza vaccine provides some protection against Covid-19, the main theories in this context seem to suggest that the influenza vaccine may probably further stimulate the immune system of the vaccine recipient. This refers to a comprehensive natural defense system with which the person was born but does not provide him with the full protection for a specific disease.

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