“The fourth dose of the vaccine increases the number of antibodies five times”: Israeli Prime Minister on a new decision to fight the pandemic

(Beta / AP Photo / Ted S. Warren, File)

(Beta) – Prime Minister of Israel Naftali Bennett ) said today that the fourth dose of the kovid vaccine -19, a week after it was received, increased the number of antibodies fivefold, citing preliminary results from an Israeli study.

“A week after the fourth dose, we know more reliably that it is safe,” said Bennett at the Sheba Medical Center, which is giving a second booster dose to its employees at a time when the new the corona strain of the omicron virus is spreading rapidly in Israel.

He stated that it is now known, one week after the start of the fourth dose of the vaccine, the level of antibodies in those who received it increased fivefold.

“This probably means a significant increase against infection, hospitalization and (serious) symptoms”, dod

Israel has a leading role in studying the effects of vaccines. against kovid-19, because it was the fastest in the world to offer two doses of immunization to the general population a year ago and one of the first countries to give a third dose, as a booster, according to Reuters.

She is now giving the fourth dose of Fajser / Biontek vaccine to people over 60, healthcare professionals and immunocompromised patients.

Today, the 60-year-old Director General of the Ministry of Health of Israel Nahcman Ash received the fourth dose of the vaccine.

“This is a very contagious strain, as we can see. The disease is growing every day. The best answer is a vaccine “, said Ash.

Almost 11,000 have been confirmed in Israel today new cases of infection in the last 24 hours, 4,000 more than the day before, bringing the country close to a record 11,333 new infections since the start of the pandemic on September 2.

The number showing how many people can be infected by one virus carrier on average has risen to 1.91, and the number of active cases to 46,455.

That number was about 8,000 two weeks ago.
117 patients are currently in serious condition, which, in contrast to the sudden jump, is a much more moderate increase in the number of infected.

8,247 people have died in Israel since the beginning of the pandemic due to kovid-19.

Almost 6,600,000 people received at least one dose of the vaccine, and almost six two million, while the booster dose vaccinated more than 4.2 million people, out of a total of 9.4 million inhabitants of Israel.

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