The Golgotha ​​of Michaela's family: Pay € 15,000 for a lift for the disabled and the EOPPY does not compensate them (vid)

The Golgotha ​​of little Michael who suffers from spinal muscular atrophy type 1.

In the gears of the bureaucracy are involved two parents from Peristeri who raise Michael and are an example to be imitated.

She was adopted as an infant, but the little girl later developed a severe motor disability.

As told in Sta r, They met the little girl when she was 52 days old and as they said it was “ love at first sight. It came to our hands very distressed, with little hope of life ».

8-year-old Michaela-Gabriela suffers from type 1 spinal muscular atrophy , the rare disease from which the little Panagiotis-Raphael also suffered .

Her biological parents abandoned her as soon as they gave birth to her. Chryssa and Grigoris adopted her, but unfortunately in Golgotha ​​they go up every day, they do not have the state as their ally.

As her mother mentioned, Michaela still has the same cart one and a half to two years. She is a tall girl, she has taken a measure since then and no longer fits in it, while the 25 consumables are over 2,000 euros per month and can not meet the costs.

Michaela’s father asks also to be compensated by EOPYY for the elevator for people with special needs that he paid out of his own pocket and as he said cost him more than 15,000 euros.

« EOPPY he has not covered it for us, he has not yet given us money, he has rejected all the objections we have made. The company is chasing me right now. The cost was over 15,000 euros “, said the father.

Every child has the right to life, because every life is unique in this world “, stressed the mother of the child.


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