The investigation closed, three suspects for the death of Luana

The Prato prosecutor has closed the investigation into the death of Luana D’Orazio, the 22-year-old worker mother of a child, dragged into a machine in the textile company of Montemurlo (Prato) of which she was employed where she died on the 3rd May. The notice of conclusion of the investigation was notified in these hours. The suspects remain the three whose names were already known, namely Luana Coppini, owner of the company, her husband Daniele Faggi considered by the investigators to be the de facto administrator of the company and the maintenance technician Mario Cusimano. The hypothesized offenses are manslaughter and willful removal of the accident prevention precautions.

Based on what emerges from the notice of conclusion of the investigations, there would be no changes with respect to what has been known so far with respect to the persons investigated (the same three) and the allegations identified in the investigation. According to the technical checks carried out by the consultant appointed by the prosecutor, the engineer Carlo Gini, the warper for sampling, which is the textile machinery to which Luana D’Orazio was employed and inside which the young worker died there, had the safety devices disabled. Furthermore, according to the expert reconstructions commissioned by the prosecutor, the accident would have occurred while the same machinery was traveling at high speed, a phase in which the protective shutters must remain lowered for safety reasons and, instead, they would not have been.


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