The Iraqi “crowd” outside the “special ballot”

A week from now, Iraqis head to the polls to choose a new parliament instead of the current one, which was accused by a “representative monitor of wholesale violations,” while the “Popular Mobilization” was excluded from the “special vote,” which includes certain sectors, primarily the military and security.

The High Elections Commission announced that members of the Popular Mobilization Authority will be outside the voting equation on the special polling day. And IHEC spokeswoman Jumana Al-Ghalay announced in a statement that “the PMF did not provide the commission with the names of their affiliates, so the Electoral Commission included them in the general vote.” Yesterday, his comprehensive and final report related to the legislative and oversight work and the constitutional and legal violations carried out and committed by the Iraqi parliament during its fourth (current) session, which began in early 2018, and lasted for about three and a half years and ends at the end of this week. The head of the observatory and supervisor of the preparation of the report, Muzhar Al-Saadi, told Asharq Al-Awsat that the current session, which has expired, witnessed wholesale and serious legal and constitutional violations, including “its refusal to publish the absences of members of Parliament and the failure to take the constitutional oath of some deputies” and not to hold any of its sessions on time. Advertiser. The report revealed the weak legislative performance of the current parliament, as it monitored its holding of 173 sessions, during which it approved only 92 laws, compared to the second parliamentary session, which approved 216 laws. “Its violation of its oversight role, and its almost non-existence, in countries suffering from corruption and mismanagement, as the report stated, that the council “exercised its oversight authority through only one interrogation, with five questions and two hostings.”

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