NGF appoints Shittu as acting Director General

NGF appoints Shittu as acting Director General

Nigeria Governors’ Forum (NGF) has appointed Dr. Abdulateef Shittu as the acting Director General.

The approval was sequel to the retirement of the Pioneer Forum’s Director General, Aishana Okauru who served for 15 years.

The Forum expressed optimism that the newly appointed Dr. Shittu will lead the NGF with a clear focus on enhancing intergovernmental collaboration, fostering innovative solutions to everyday challenges, and ensuring the effective implementation of policies that promote sustainable development across all States.

The statement read: “The Nigeria Governors Forum (NGF) is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Abdulateef Shittu as the Acting Director General, effective immediately, following the retirement of Asishana B. Okauru Esq.

“The retirement of Asishana B. Okauru Esq. was accepted by the Chairman of the Forum, H.E Abdulrahman AbdulRazaq, who expressed gratitude for Mr. Okauru’s years of dedicated service to the NGF.

“Until his appointment, Dr. Abdulateef Shittu was the Executive Director, Strategy and Research at the NGF

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“He brings a wealth of experience and a proven track record of excellence in public administration and governance.

“The NGF is confident that Dr. Abdulateef Shittu will continue to drive the Forum’s strategic initiatives forward.

“As Acting Director General, Dr. Abdulateef Shittu will lead the NGF with a clear focus on enhancing intergovernmental collaboration, fostering innovative solutions to everyday challenges, and ensuring the effective implementation of policies that promote sustainable development across all states.

“The NGF remains steadfast in its commitment to its mission and objectives, and we are confident that Dr.
Abdulateef Shittu will provide the continuity and stability needed during this period.

“The Nigeria Governors Forum extends its best wishes to Asishana B. Okauru Esq. in his future endeavours and looks forward to a new era of progress under the guidance of Dr. Abdulateef Shittu,” the statement read.


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