The launch of the Progress MS-18 cargo vehicle to the ISS will take place on October 28

08.10.2021 , Sergey Karasev

State corporation “Roscosmos” informs that at the Baikonur cosmodrome the mechanical assembly of the “package” of the Soyuz-2.1a rocket has been completed. This carrier is to launch the Progress MS-18 cargo spacecraft into orbit under the International Space Station (ISS) program.

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The Progress MS-18 vehicle has already passed a complex of pre-flight tests. In particular, the spacecraft has been successfully tested in an anechoic chamber: it simulates the conditions of outer space for ground-based testing of the performance of on-board radio systems. In addition, Progress MS-18 passed vacuum tests, which confirmed the tightness of the compartments and various systems.

“Soyuz-2.1a” with a space “truck” will take place on October 28 at 3:00 Moscow time. The spacecraft will get to the orbital complex according to a two-day scheme. The spacecraft will dock with the Zvezda module of the ISS Russian Segment.

“Progress MS-18” will deliver supplies of fuel and gases to the orbital station, equipment for scientific experiments, food and consumables for the crew members.

It is also worth noting that the launch of the Progress M-UM transport cargo vehicle with the Prichal ISS module is scheduled for November 24. And on December 8, the launch of the Soyuz MS-20 spacecraft with cosmonaut Alexander Misurkin and Japanese space tourists will take place.

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