The Letta-Renzi surprise axis detonates the Casellati mine: “White card without news”

“Everything still in the air, tomorrow (today, ed) we will vote again”, says Enrico Letta to his electors gathered late in the evening. All postponed, he explains, “not through our fault” but because the situation “is very complicated” due to the “overlap of the perimeter” of the governing majority with that of the various coalitions.

But “the operation Casellati was thwarted, and now we need to work on a shared operation “, keeping” our nerve “. The dem leader claims to have pushed the center-right to “change the line and come to terms with reality”, avoiding the attempt to “break through at the Colle”. Then he speaks to the currents of his party, warning that “there will be who will be happier and who will be less”, depending on the candidate on which it will end up, but in any case the name will have to “keep the whole majority together”, and ” ensure the duration of the legislature “. Two references to the allies: while “Renzi helped” to “stop” Casellati, the alliance with M5s “is not easy”.

The third, long day of melina on the Quirinale, seen from Pd, takes place in a climate of growing tension. Also internally, of course: Letta knows well that there is a large area of ​​her party that works on the contrary on the name of Casini, which is certainly not her first option but that – if it ever really materialized – could not suffer as the imposition of currents, that of Franceschini in the lead. Who would have great difficulty in repositioning himself on Draghi after having explicitly worked against it.

And it is no coincidence that yesterday afternoon the pro-Casini of the Democratic Party spread the rumor that ” now given up on Draghi “, while from the pro-Draghi wing they replied:” Not even for a dream, on the contrary time works in favor of the premier “.

There is the fear of a yellow-green resurrection, with Conte running after Salvini and both running hand in hand towards the early vote, splitting the government majority on a name like that of Casellati. “Salvini seems to us in winter Papeete mode,” says Enrico Borghi, a member of the dem secretariat. He does not mention Conte, but it is clear that the doubt is that this time Giuseppi is also with the mojito in hand, because going quickly to the vote would be his assurance of being able to remain leader of the party, or what remains of it. It is no coincidence that the dems (but also, within the Cinque stelle, Grillo and Di Maio) are issuing harsh warnings: “So everything jumps.” Alliance, government and – what can most frighten the big voters, Grillini in the head – legislature. With a harsh tweet, Letta defines the candidacy of the President of the Senate as “an operation never seen in the history of the Quirinale, absurd and incomprehensible”, “together with the opposition and against his own government allies”.

A novelty of these hours is that, now on a collision course with Conte, Letta seems to have found a new axis with the former enemy Matteo Renzi, with whom he had a long meeting yesterday. And it is precisely the former premier and today leader of Italia viva, who moves with extreme agility on a playing field full of traps such as that of the quirinal match, to put on the plate a possible solution that keeps Salvini inside, making him abandon the Casellati hypothesis on which “you risk crashing”. “Let’s find a name, Casini is fine and Draghi is fine, which is a guarantee for everyone: if Salvini is convinced about his name, the new government will be made in a minute”.

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