The MNB has revealed how many debtors are affected by the interest rate hike


He added that the government’s decision to maximize interest rates affects not only housing loans but also loans for free use, as well as eligible moratorium loans. The interest rate stop gives banks and customers half a year to switch from variable to fixed-rate loans. , I will definitely win at customs, “he said. It is advisable to borrow securely with fixed interest rates in the long run, due to the occasional global economic crises.

loan interest rate (BUBOR, the average lending rate of commercial banks) is the indicator to which floating-rate retail mortgages are compared. That figure was just over 2 percent last October, depending on whether it was 3, 6 or 12 months old. It now shows values ​​above 4 percent, so it’s a difference of roughly 2 percentage points. The measure can be used to talk about a 10-11 per cent reduction in the installment of a customer’s loan, depending on the term and the amount of the loan.

István Binder remarked that Due to fair banking rules introduced in 2015.

It was also mentioned that the retail credit market could close the strongest year in its history, expanding by about 15 percent, mainly driven by housing loans. However, this means safe indebtedness, because the debt brake rules guarantee that customers will not be over-indebted, ”he said.

On the 22nd on the social media side, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. He said: the measure, which will take effect in early January, will set interest rates on mortgage loans at the end of October; which means that the February installment will be lower than before.

Cover image: Getty Images

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