The Mong Kok footbridge was finally opened for 21 years, and the public laughed at the “Turtle Project”. District Councillors urged to explain the penalties for the extension

The footbridge across Mong Kok Road and Nathan Road was postponed for 21 years and finally opened today (30th). Some members of the public appreciate the design of the flyover and deliberately come to “check in.” Some people question whether the government will penalize the contractor Sun Hung Kai Properties for many years. Yau Tsim Mong District Councillor Li Weifeng asked the government to explain the penalties for the extension.

Some citizens came to “check in”

The flyover was opened at 5 pm today. If it is not opened, there are already citizens waiting at the entrance of Mong Kok Road. I hope to take the lead After the staff cut the red and white tape, the overpass was officially opened. Some citizens expressed their excitement, “It took more than 20 years to wait.”

Mr. Min Dun said that after the opening of the flyover, from Mong Kok There are not so many roads from the East Railway Station to Nathan Road, and it is safer than before. He also expressed his appreciation for the light-transmitting design of the top of the flyover, which can use natural light to reduce electricity consumption. Ms. Chen, a citizen who lives in Kowloon Bay, came here to take photos and described the flyover as “so beautiful, so new, and so clean.”

Citizen Miss Chen

Citizens questioned why the government allowed the postponement of district board members: Penalties must be accounted for

Some people criticized the project for being delayed for too long. The public Mr. Li questioned that this flyover should be built in two to three years, but it would take more than 20 years. Doing (construction) for so many years?”, questioning whether the contractor should be punished.

Yau Tsim Mong District Councillor Li Weifeng pointed out that he asked the government to Explaining the penalties for postponement, “What is the cost of postponing each day?” He worried that if one consortium allowed such postponement, other consortiums would rush to follow suit. He said: “I saw that Sun Hung Kai’s building hasn’t been postponed much, but he can postpone a charity project for 20 years.”

The project was originally scheduled to be completed in 2000

Looking up the information, the relevant project started in 1998. The government originally expected the completion by the end of 2000, but there were continuous delays. It will finally be opened 21 years later at 5 o’clock this afternoon. The first phase of the flyover, that is, the part from Sai Yee Street and Mong Kok Road, was completed as early as 2003, but the second phase of Mong Kok Road across Nathan Road has been stagnant.

Former Yau Tsim Mong District Councillor Lam Siu-bin quoted the Highways Department The progress report submitted by the District Council stated that the department mentioned the reasons for the postponement including unpredictable underground conditions, the impact of rain, the occupation of Mong Kok, the anti-transmission movement, and the new crown pneumonia epidemic.

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