The Names Of Your Classmates Growing Up Will Determine Your Exact Age

If you had a Brittany or a Chelsea in your class, you’re 28.

So you might not believe me, but I’m 99.99% sure I can guess your exact age…


And please don’t freak out when I get it right, OK?


Here’s how it works: Check off every name that used to belong to a classmate of yours and we’ll guess your exact age. For best results, take a moment before starting the quiz and think back to the names of your classmates in elementary school, middle school, or high school.


For example, if you had a Megan in your math class, check off “Megan.” If you didn’t have anyone in your class with any those names, just click “Done choosing” to move on.

Nostalgia Trip

Take a trip down memory lane that’ll make you feel nostalgia AF

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