The New Innovators 2022

Canadian Business and the Brookfield Institute for Innovation + Entrepreneurship are joining forces on the New Innovators, a first-of-its-kind recognition program.

Submit your company for consideration to our inaugural New Innovators List, celebrating the creative companies that are making their mark this year—with great products and services, innovative leadership, and forward-thinking social and environmental initiatives.

Deadline to apply: September 17, 2021


What is a New Innovator?

We believe that in 2021 and beyond, the most successful businesses will be those that are not only driving innovation in their sector, but are also working toward meaningful progress in areas like sustainability, employee well-being, diversity and inclusion and philanthropy.

New Innovators are companies that pursue inclusive innovation that brings new or improved products and services to market, or improves their operational effectiveness. New Innovators also pay attention to the impact of their operations, from GHG emissions and resource efficiency to living wages, creating a meaningfully diverse and equitable team and culture, and ethical supply chain management.

For more information, please read our Frequently Asked Questions.

If you believe your company should be on the 2022 New Innovators List, please begin your application below. The deadline to apply is Friday, September 17, 2021.

Preview a full list of the questions here.

Canadian Business, the Brookfield Institute and our research team ask companies to submit financial and operational information for the purpose of evaluating their application to the New Innovators List and may request supporting materials to verify these claims. We ask companies to have completed at least two financial years, and ask for three years of data where available. Canadian Business will not disclose without permission any contents of your financial statements or other confidential material. Please contact if you have any questions.

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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