The niece of the President of Kazakhstan owns a property worth over BGN 1 million in Bulgaria








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The niece of the President of Kazakhstan owns a property worth over BGN 1 million in Bulgaria


Dana Medeuova, who is the niece of the President of Kazakhstan Kasim-Jamart Tokaev, owns a Bulgarian company in the Lyulin district of Sofia worth over BGN 1 million. This reveals an investigation by the Russian investigative portal iStories, for which BIRD.BG also helped with data.

Medeuova is the daughter of Tokaev’s sister Karligi Tokayeva and Temirtai Izbastin, who was appointed by Tokayev as Kazakhstan’s ambassador to Bulgaria in November 2019. The Izbastini family also has businesses in the Czech Republic and Germany. EUR 000 from his personal account in the company account of SD Property Investment. On the same day, the company acquired a 1.4-decare property opposite the Silver shopping center in Lyulin for 571,000 euros. So far, the land has not been built up and is used for parking, but has great investment potential. The iStories investigation also revealed tens of millions of dollars in property and assets of Tokayev and his family in the United States, Russia and Switzerland.

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