The range of realme products is expanded, now they have a washing machine

The new thing from realme is a washing machine that comes to compete face to face with those of traditional brands such as Samsung or LG. Of course, we will have to wait to know the launch price.

The Asian company really has a huge range of products, but it seems that they are not enough. In recent months we have seen how they have begun to cover different product ranges and sectors .

It is not strange to see headphones, watches, smart bracelets, tablets and laptops from realme. Now they have gone one step further and the last thing that has been seen is that they would have washing machines.

Yes, your eyes are not deceiving you. Those of realme want us to trust our most delicate garments. It is not a strange move, because the firm already has devices for cleaning homes .

The robot vacuum cleaner realme TechLife Vacuum is the good proof of this, but being a robot the truth is that it fits more within the products of a company like Realme. Presenting a washing machine is still disconcerting .

At a technical level the realme washing machine would be available in two versions, what would vary is the capacity. The smallest model would be 7.5 kilograms and the largest 8 kilograms .

The design of the realme washing machine would be Inspired by somewhat retro models, since what has been the lid is located on the top of the washing machine. In Spain at least this design is no longer seen for some years .

There are not many more specifications about the realme washing machine , as it would still be pending presentation. It remains to be seen if it manages to compete against companies that have been in the sector for a long time such as LG or Samsung .

What has been seen so far is that It will be released in India, no data has been given about availability in other countries . Bearing in mind that Spain already has its robot vacuum cleaner, so that it arrives.

We will be attentive to inform you of all the details of this washing machine in as long as it is released on the market . At the moment the only thing we can say is that what he is really doing is quite curious at the level of brand image.

Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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