The reason why you should never have a coffee when you first wake up

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Next time you start making a coffee the minute you wake, stop. Although many of us crave a hot cup of coffee when we first wake up, it seems as it is not the best choice.

According to Dr Karan Raj, who has 4.3 million followers on TikTok, you should not reach for a cup of coffee until later in the morning.

“Don’t drink coffee first thing in the morning when you wake up,” he said. “Your body naturally wakes you with cortisol, you get a cortisol spike in the morning.” He said that if you drink coffee immediately after waking up, it interferes with your body’s natural awakening processes.

So, when is the optimum time to have your coffee?

Dr Raj appeared on television to warn about having coffee first thing in the morning

Dr Raj appeared on television to warn about having coffee first thing in the morning (Image: BBC)

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According to Dr Raj, the best time to drink coffee is a few hours after waking up. “Save your coffee until mid-morning when your cortisol levels boost then, and it’ll be better.”

Dr Raj appeared recently on BBC Morning Live to give his views on the optimum time to drink coffee.

His TikTok followers were far from happy with his suggestions about ditching coffee first thing. “I gotta have coffee first thing in the morning or we can’t be friends,” was one comment. “Can I have a coffee first thing and mid-morning as a compromise?” was another response.

Dr Raj is not alone in his views about not drinking coffee as soon as you wake up. Recent research from Bath University has suggested that you should drink a cup only after you have had breakfast and not before. Giulia Guerrini, the lead pharmacist at Medino said that it is because “it can have a negative effect on your blood sugar control.”

Dr Raj Karan has 4.3 million followers on TikTok

Dr Raj Karan has 4.3 million followers on TikTok (Image: dr.karanr/TikTok)

According to Dr Raj, it is better to drink coffee mid morning

According to Dr Raj, it is better to drink coffee mid morning (Image: GETTY IMAGES)

Giulia backed up Dr Raj’s advice and commented: “It is indeed true that your body naturally produces cortisol first thing in the morning (around 8-9am) which is when production of the hormone is at its peak.

“Having caffeine during this time interferes with the production of cortisol, as your body releases less of the hormone, relying on the caffeine.”

Since launching his TikTok channel, Dr Raj has also talked about the importance of not checking your phone when you wake up and why you should not make your bed first thing in the morning.

“Making your bed in the morning traps dust mites that have accumulated over night,” he explained. “These microscopic predators, which are less than a millimetre long, feed on the scales of human skin and thrive in moist environments.”

Dr Raj shares lots of life hacks based in medical science on his TikTok page

Dr Raj shares lots of life hacks based in medical science on his TikTok page (Image: Dr Raj/ TikTok)

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