The reopening of Havana in photos

After the relaxation of restrictive measures related to the epidemic in the areas of recreation and the practice of sports activities, images like these have begun to be daily again throughout the capital



After several months of isolation at home to prevent the spread of Covid-19, Havana gradually returns to normality.

After the relaxation of restrictive measures related to the epidemic in the areas of recreation and the practice of sports activities, images like these have begun to be daily again throughout the capital.

Our photojournalists Enrique Gonzáles Díaz, David Gómez Ávila and Abel Rojas Barallobre came out with their lenses to capture snapshots of the reopening with their lenses, photographs that become a symbol of that light at the end of the tunnel that we have all longed to begin to glimpse since the arrival of the pandemic.

Photo: Enrique Gonzáles Díaz.

Photo: Enrique Gonzáles Díaz.

Photo: Enrique Gonzáles Díaz .

Photo: Enrique Gonzáles Díaz .

Photo: Enrique Gonzáles Diaz.

Photo: Abel Rojas Barallobre.

Photo: David Gómez Ávila.

Photo: David Gómez Ávila.

Photo: David Gómez Ávila.

Photo : David Gómez Ávila.

Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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