THE REPORT ON HAVANA SYNDROME HAS BEEN A SECRET FOR THREE YEARS: A group of scientists has clearly stated what is behind everything! The main theory fell into the water!

IZVEŠTAJ O HAVANA SINDROMU JE TRI GODINE BIO TAJNA: Grupa naučnika jasno rekla šta stoji iza svega! Glavna teorija pala u vodu!

Photo : Profimedia, Shuttertsock

Elite a team of State Department advisers concluded in 2018 that the “Havana syndrome” affecting spies and diplomats could not have been the result of microwave weapons, but their report has only just been released.

A report compiled by the JASON Advisory Group in November 2018 states that sounds were reported in eight of the original 21 “Havana Syndrome” incidents. ” most likely “caused by crickets and that it is” unlikely “that the reported symptoms were caused by microwaves or ultrasound beams.

Although” the suffering reported was affected individuals real “, the group concluded” psychogenic effects may serve to explain important components of reported injuries “.

Redesigned and declassified version of report JASON – and on Thursday it released BuzzFeed. It was originally classified as a “Secret” and was not shared with a panel of National Academies of Science whose report on the “Havana Syndrome” was commissioned by Fogi Bot last year.

The NAS panel concluded that microwave ovens are the “most credible” cause of symptoms, which reportedly include headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, hearing and vision impairment, nosebleeds, dizziness, and memory loss, among others.

According to JASON, however, “No credible single energy source (neither radio / microwave nor sound) can produce both recorded audio / video signals and reported medical effects. ” The noise noted was of mechanical or biological origin, not electronic, and the “most likely” source was Anurogrillis celerinictus, the Indian short-tailed cricket.

This exact species was identified by researchers at the University of Berkeley in January 2019 as a source of mysterious noise, based on a recording published by the AP.

JASON experts they turned off pulsed microwave ovens and ultrasound, in part because the electronics and Wi-Fi networks in the house where the noise was first recorded did not suffer interference during the incident. They concluded that the noise did not match the frequencies of the microwave or ultrasound by calculating the required power.

The Trump administration used the “Havana Syndrome” as an excuse to reduce the recently established diplomatic presence in Cuba. She later gained her own life in the CIA and the American media, and now more than 200 spies have allegedly claimed to have been affected — and there is widespread speculation that China or Russia are using some sort of sci-fi weapon to do so.

Last week alone, the US House of Representatives voted 427 to 0 to pass the Neurological Assault Aid Assistance Act (HAVANA), giving the CIA millions of dollars to compensate affected personnel.

In mid-September, a team of Cuban scientists announced that claims about secret sonic weapons were not “scientifically acceptable” and that “there was no scientific evidence of attacks.” Unaware of JASON’s reports, they attributed the symptoms to some kind of mass psychosis of American spies.

Named after a hero from Greek mythology, JASON is an independent group of scientists who advises the U.S. government since the peak of the Cold War.

“This is a powerful group of expert scientists,” former Los Alamos National Laboratory chemist Cheryl Rofer told BuzzFeed , adding that the declassified report appears to be “a very thorough scientific analysis, the kind applied in the report of the National Academy of Sciences.”

“What is available in the report is quite suspicious about directed energy weapons, and quite positive about crickets, “Roferova added. / RT

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