The Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 appears on Geekbench

The Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 is due for a release in October this year and rumors suggest the Xiaomi 15 series will be the first to utilize Qualcomm’s 2025 flagship SoC, while another report claims the it will offer exceptional GPU performance.

Snapdragon 8 Gen 4's Geekbench scoresheet

Snapdragon 8 Gen 4’s Geekbench scoresheet

Now, we have first Geekbench results from what appears to be a Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 device. The tested ended on 8,840 points in the multi-core scenario and 2,884 points in the single-core run. We don’t know about GPU performance just yet, but the CPU jump from the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 is almost 30% in the multi-core test and up 35% in the single-core case. We used the Xiaomi 14 as a reference, which scored 6,810 points in multi-core and 2,125 points in single-core.

And there’s a chance the performance gains with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 might be even more substantial because early benchmark tests are often done on pre-production samples that still need some polishing.

Word on the street is Qualcomm uses in-house Nuvia CPU architecture for its CPU clusters and the configuration is 2+6. The main cluster of two cores is clocked at a whopping 4.09 GHz, while the more efficient cluster of six is clocked at 2.78 GHz. The GPU is Adreno 830 and the whole chip is fabricated on TSMC’s 3nm process.


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