Olympic Marseille in the 20th week Beating Bordeaux 1-0 on 7 January, he scored the only goal of the match, and after 1977 against his team’s opponent The stands did not forget the 24-year-old player who made him win away for the first time. “THANKS FOR THIS HISTORIC VICTORY” CENGİZ ÜNDER: I WILL NOT FORGET THE CHOREOGRAPHYCengiz Ünder social networking site Twitter in his post on his account, “I will never forget the choreography I saw in the stands before the match. Marseille is now mine. My family and I will continue to fight until the last minute for my family.” Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here
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