The Union of Cities supports the petition The climate needs you

The Union of Slovak Cities recalls the importance of local governments in resolving the climate crisis

7. Oct 2021 at 4:38 pm SITA

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Richard Rybníček, prezident Únie miest Slovenska a primátor Trenčína. Richard Rybníček, President of the Union of Slovak Cities and Mayor of Trenčín. (Source: Ján Luky)


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BRATISLAVA. Members of the Presidium of the Union of Slovak Cities support the continuation of the petition Climate Needs You. They agreed on this during the last online meeting.

The importance of local authorities in solving of the climate crisis is, according to the Union of Slovak Cities, unquestionable and without the creation of more suitable conditions for the implementation of urgent measures, the possibilities of local governments in this matter are limited. )

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Daniela Piršelová informed about it in the press release

Under more suitable conditions, the Union of Cities envisages strengthening the powers of local self-government, increasing the volume of funding for cities and municipalities and their greater participation in the resources that Slovakia will receive from the European Union.

“In this context, the Union of Slovak Cities demanded that the central government take into account the increased expenditures of cities associated with adaptation and mitigation to climate change in all rules and instruments of financing local government. Without these measures, at the central level, cities will not be able to fully subscribe to many of the European Union’s green initiatives, “states the Union of Urban Cities of Slovakia.

“In its requirements, the Union of Cities specifically calls for the strengthening of the position of cities and municipalities in terms of the inhabitants of towns and municipalities, as well as the bodies elected by them, to participate significantly in the changes resulting from tackling climate change, “states the press release.

The climate agenda and its support in member cities is

It therefore regularly provides support to its members in the field of environmental and climate education or in the search for effective tools to address the causes and consequences of climate change in a specific area.

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