The world's first racket was not allowed into Australia due to a refusal to vaccinate

The world’s first racket Novak Djokovic went to the Australian Championship without vaccination against covid

Tennis player Novak Djokovic , who currently leads the ranking of the best players in the world among men, flew to the tournament in Australia without vaccination against Covid-19, although required by local law. The tennis player was stopped by border guards, his visa was revoked and now the issue of his deportation is being resolved. writes about it BBC.

To date, the Serbian tennis player has not commented on whether he was vaccinated against coronavirus or no, but several times publicly doubted the need for mandatory vaccination. On January 4, he announced on Twitter that he was flying to Australia without vaccination because he “has a medical certificate.” What became the basis for the issuance of the certificate mentioned by Djokovic is unknown.

angered Australians, who have long been under some of the world’s toughest quarantine restrictions. In comments to the publication, they began to demand “fair treatment of all in the matter of vaccination.” Upon arrival, when the tennis player was detained, the border guards stated that he could not justify the grounds for his exemption from vaccination.

The tennis player’s father, known for his ambiguous statements, has already commented on the situation. Srdjan Djokovic compared Novak first to Spartacus, then to Jesus, said his son was being held captive and called for a “fight against the world oligarchs.”

Djokovic’s visa was revoked after he spent several hours in a special sector of Melbourne airport. He is currently staying in a special hotel where people who are to be deported from the country are being guarded. In a comment on his Instagram, he did not explain the situation, but simply thanked the fans for their support.

The Prime Minister of Australia Scott Morrison said that the athlete could still prove his special medical status, but warned that “the law is the same for everyone.”

Djokovic is not deported immediately, as is usually the case. Instead, the decision was postponed for a court hearing to review the decree on the abolition of his visa.


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