They approve a reduction in the cost of Soat for those who do not use the policy



It is the first time that a law grants a benefit in the rate.

En un mes estaría lista resolución para el Soat electrónico



September 29, 2021 – 09:42 p. m.



Congress gave free rein to the bill that sought a reduction in the rate of Mandatory Traffic Accident Insurance, Soat . According to the author of the initiative, the representative to the Chamber Alejandro Vega, is the first time a law grants a benefit in the rate.

(Read: Abece of the renewal of driving licenses in Colombia )

We comply! Discount on the SOAT will be a reality. It was not easy, but after 35 years of existence it is the first time that a law grants a benefit in the rate.

In addition, we managed to ensure that transit licenses do not expire in January.
Solutions for all Colombians.

– Alejandro Vega (@AlejandroVegaLi) September 30, 2021

As it is, the initiative, which means a relief for the pocket of vehicle drivers in the country, will grant a one-time discount of ten percent percent of the policy value if you do not use it in the year prior to its validity .

(Read: Are you among those who must renew their driver’s license in 2022? )

We expected the discounts to be higher, but after more than 10 projects based in e l Congress in the 30 years of the Soat , finally one passes “, he indicated.

In principle, this benefit was gradual: 10 percent the first year, 15 percent in the second; 20 percent in the third year; 25 percent in the fourth, and 30 percent in the fifth year.

In addition, in the legislative initiative the extension of the term for the renewal of the driving license was approved to people who expire next January, so they will have two more years to complete the process. E s that is, next year the more than four million citizens called to carry out the procedure will not have to incur that expense.

According to Decree Law 019 of 2012, these will be valid for ten years, that is to say for a little less than four months, for those under 60 years of age.

The approved text must now go to conciliation between the House and Senate and then to presidential approval.

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