They seized 409 kilos of base pasta from Argentina in Uruguay

Among the 17 detainees there are three of the leaders of the criminal gang. At a press conference, the minister declared that two of the men have a history of drug trafficking and that one of them lived in the Canelones neighborhood, in the south of the country. Apparently, he was in a situation of “having a good time with a good house and cars”, in which he managed to camouflage himself.


The operation was carried out a few days ago but was informed by the Uruguayan government hours ago after 13 raids were carried out in farms in Montevideo, Canelones, Soriano and Artigas, resulting in the arrest of five people, three women and two men.

Minister Heber said that the Small plane dropped the drugs from the air in the field and four minutes later the Uruguayan police arrived at the scene based on intelligence tasks. Although they did not manage to capture the plane, they did take the three cars with which the drug was to be transported through the interior of Uruguay .

The owner of the field where the plane landed has not been arrested, but is being investigated for possible links with the organization. Instead, one of the detainees is a worker from the same field.

The hypothesis is investigated that the base paste was going to be processed to become cocaine, prior to its shipment to Europe.

In July 2021, a police operation had been carried out that had seized 407 kilos of base pasta. That was the record, so far, for the amount of drugs seized in an operation.

It was in Nuevo Berlin, a city in the department of Río Negro that is on the west coast of the country, with coast on the Uruguay River. The operation included the interception of suspicious cars in the city and three raids.

The incident occurred days after a ton of cocaine was found in Spain on a ship that had left Uruguay. At a press conference, Minister Heber declared that that raid “has generated the greatest blow to drug trafficking in the history of Uruguay, which was naturally going to poison our young people.”

The prosecutor in charge The case is, also Mónica Ferrero. This investigation required the Police several months of work. As expressed in a press release by the Directorate for the Repression of Illicit Drug Trafficking, “it involved police information and intelligence tasks.”

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