They were looking for Roberto Rejas and caught a fugitive from the Los Aguirre police station

A criminal who had escaped from the Los Aguirre police station was recaptured today. The Police located this inmate when he was carrying out a procedure in search of the fugitive Roberto Rejas , convicted of the femicide of Milagros Avellaneda and the murder of his son, Benicio Coronel .

According to official sources, the operation began from a telephone call that denounced that the femicide was in the sidewalk of a house in the southern part of the capital. Rejas was sentenced to life imprisonment more than a week ago.

The troops of the Ninth section arrived at 600 Melian de Leguizamo street during the morning. fugitive tried to escape but was quickly arrested, after a chase. The suspect was identified as Agustín Toledo , 23 years old. He had fled on September 28 along with two other detainees from the Los Aguirre police station.

“We recaptured a dangerous criminal, as he was serving a sentence for a homicide that occurred in 2018 ”, Explained Ricardo Fresneda , head of the Capital Regional Unit (URC).

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