Think Pink may have hidden waste under 20,000 bales

19,400 bales of construction waste have been left at the E20 between Eskilstuna and Strängnäs.

Now a new waste scandal around crime suspects Think Pink may be on its way to the surface.

The police suspect that environmentally hazardous waste has been buried under the bales, reports P4 Sörmland.

Many of the almost 20,000 bales on the industrial site at E20 in Barva have been there for the past three years.

Behind the bales of construction waste are NM Trading and Transport AB, which The Eskilstuna courier has previously reported.

The company has been declared bankrupt and is part of the Think Pink Group, where the entrepreneur Bella Nilsson and her husband Thomas Nilsson sit on the board of the parent company. Both are suspected of having dumped large amounts of waste in several places in Sweden. They deny the crime.

Now P4 Sörmland reports that environmentally hazardous waste has been buried under the bales in Eskilstuna, samples taken by the police in the ground show. The ground at the site is rocking, according to the radio.

Prosecutor Linda Schön says that they are investigating a serious environmental crime at the site.

– We have been there and made a crime scene investigation, and I have also confirmed that we have taken samples. We have documented the place, it is a crime scene, she says to Expressen.

Bodström: “They have not dug anything down”

A preliminary investigation is underway at the National Unit for Environmental and Work Environment Objectives. The samples show that there are lead, zinc and petroleum products above the guide values ​​in the soil.

Lawyer Thomas Bodström, who represents Bella Nilsson, is very critical of the entire investigation. About the suspected environmental crime in Eskilstuna, he says that NMT rented a quarter of the land and that they managed everything “according to permission”.

– They have not dug anything, it is others who have done the. Bella is not happy about the condition that has now expired. Her company went bankrupt a year ago. It was like when they tried to make her responsible for this fire that was, he says about the fire at a landfill in Botkyrka earlier this year and where NMT previously had operations.

The preliminary investigation has been ongoing since last year.

– So it’s still time to start looking at how the police and prosecutors work, who constantly just try to get the media with them to hide what they blew up, which would be so enormous.

Expressen has in several articles examined the NMT Think Pink group.

The police suspect that they dumped waste, including on farms that are owned by private individuals, and transported around garbage at various garbage stations. Samples have then shown toxins in connection with the garbage. Thomas Nilsson also continues to deny the crime through his lawyer Filip Rydin, who says that his client had no responsibility for the operational part of the business.

See also :

New information: Think Pink’s garbage was driven to rural farms
Storbranden på soptippen i Botkyrka fortsätter rasa • Grannarna kritiska mot kommunen.

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