This feature would not be compatible with your iPhone 13 but you do have it on previous iPhones

Active noise cancellation on calls seems to not be supported on the iPhone 13 and we won’t see it even in a future update.

The iPhone 13 has already been on the market for a couple of months and one of those features that had apparently been promised with the device finally, it seems, will not see the light of day. What was previously thought to be some software glitch has finally been confirmed by Apple support to not be enabled in the future.

We’re talking about noise cancellation during phone calls, a feature that is included in previous iPhones and also in many other devices, and that allows you to reduce the ambient noise that is generated around a call to be able to hear voices in a much better way. sharper.

Noise cancellation on calls is a feature that, for example, on the iPhone 12 can be turned on or off in the phone settings, but early iPhone 13 buyers claimed last December that they did not see any option in settings to deal with this issue n.

At that time they commented that Apple, apparently, was aware of this issue, and that presumably in a future update they could include it again, but ro finally it would not be like that.

Now as they collect from 9to5mac, it seems that Apple support would have confirmed that all iPhone 13 models are not compatible with the noise cancellation function.

In a conversation of one of your readers with Apple support, it seems that they have confirmed that the iPhone 13 do not support this feature. It seems that Apple has intentionally disabled noise cancellation in the new iPhone 13, and no specific reason has been given for this.

Apple support has replied that “phone noise cancellation is not available on iPhone 13 models, so you don’t see this option in settings

After receiving this response, the user has requested additional clarification from Apple support on whether the iPhone 13 series does not support this noise cancellation function, receiving the response of “not supported”.

It is not yet clear why those from Cupertino have decided to eliminate this functionality that is present in other previous phones, and we will see if it reappears in the iPhone 14.

Cabe clarify that there is no official confirmation from Apple in this regard, only from a technical support representative.

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