This gadget is ideal for craft lovers: laser engraver at a ridiculous price

The Aufero Laser 2 has a special launch offer that you can’t miss: it’s yours for less than 250 euros.

If your thing is manual work and even on top you consider yourself a creative person you have to take a look at this offer in the Aufero Laser 2, a brand new laser engraver designed for the general public that promises to become the best ally of all maker worth his salt.

Thanks to a special launch discount you can save more than 50 euros on this recently presented laser engraver, which boasts of putting the benefits of engraving within the reach of any mortal by amplified light. Whether you want to take your crafts to the next level or if you are simply a lover of the most creative “pottery”, the Aufero Laser 2 could be a very interesting purchase. Let’s see everything it offers.

Buy your first laser engraver for less than 250 euros

You don’t need to be an engineer to take advantage of the Aufero Laser 2

While a large part of the initiation laser engravers far exceed 400 euros, for just 237 euros the Aufero Laser 2 stands out as the ideal option for novice artists, especially for its magnificent value for money and its tremendously easy installation. It is a gadget specially designed for those little techies profiles: it is configured in a few minutes and mastered in half a dozen of impressions, not to mention that it has instructions in Spanish and technical support on social networks.

Going into more detail in its specifications, the Aufero Laser 2 can work on surfaces with an area of ​​390 x 390 millimeters (more or less the size of two sheets of paper ) and is capable of engraving designs with different effects and depths on materials as varied as plastic, wood, cardboard, leather or even aluminium.

Engrave your designs on porcelain, steel, leather, wood or cardboard: your creativity has no limits

Comes with various designs and templates predefined that you can edit to your liking or if not, you can always is to experiment with your own ideas. In case you opt for this second option, you are interested to know that its operation could not be simpler: you will only have to upload a .jpg or .png with the design, adjust the size and hit the save button. Designed for common users, the Aufero Laser 2 is a high-precision device that can be used a lot… and more for the 237 euros it costs.

Needless to say, it is of a device totally safe at all levels and that has all the guarantees of a manufacturer such as Ortur, which is a reference in the world of laser engravers and 3D printers. Fast, easy to use, safe and efficient, the Aufero Laser 2 will allow you to engrave whatever you want from your computer, thus creating personalized gifts or Unforgettable memories for your loved ones.

Finally remember that, if you take advantage of this offer, you will enjoy guarantee 30-day return policy as well as a full year warranty including free repairs.

Related Topics: Offers, Technology

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