NFT basic knowledge at a glance: Everything about non-fungible tokens in an infographic

NFT-Basiswissen im Überblick: Alles zu Non-Fungible-Token in einer Infografik

NFT hype: Infographic explains the non-fungible token basics. (Graphic: GarryKillian / Shutterstock)

The billion-dollar non-fungible token (NFT) market is enjoying growing popularity. But not everyone knows what exactly is behind NFT. An infographic on the topic clarifies.

To understand how big the hype about so-called non-fungible tokens (NFT) is real, you only need to juxtapose two numbers: $ 13.7 million and $ 2.5 billion. The million sum is the turnover with NFT in the first half of 2020, the billion amount is the NFT turnover in the same period one year later. And: In August 2021 another almost two billion dollars should have been implemented.

Facebook and Twitter jump on the NFT train

No wonder that such a lucrative market attracts new investors . In the meantime, not only well-off crypto insiders have jumped on the bandwagon. Also corporations like Facebook, Tiktok or Twitter want in the NFT universe play along.

All those who are not yet there should be particularly interested in what non-fungible tokens actually are . Unlike exchangeable tokens that represent cryptocurrencies, non-fungible tokens represent a very specific asset. This makes you unique. NFT are currently most widespread in the areas of crypto art and digital collector’s items.

Various examples from the past few months show what income is possible with NFT. The sale of the NFT artwork “Everydays: The First 5,000 Days” by digital artist Beeple, which was sold at auction brought in over $ 69 million . NFT collections in the pixel art sector can reach millions of dollars within a few weeks bring. Meanwhile there is criticism – as with Bitcoin – the lack of environmental friendliness. In addition there may be forgeries .

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Infographic shows the basics of non-fungible tokens

More about the basics of NFT, about the importance of the non-fungible Tokens in the rapidly growing crypto world and more information about how it all works exactly shows a Infographic distributed via Socialmediatoday .

Clicking on the preview image below opens the complete NFT infographic:

NFT Infografik Vorschau

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