Ticket Sales For The 2021 NOGI Awards Now Open

The 2021 Academy of Underwater Arts & Sciences NOGI Awards gala tickets are now on sale.

The gala event will take place on November 17th, 2021, in Las Vegas during the DEMA Show.

Commenting about the awards, AUAS President Dan Orr stated:

“NOGI Award is the oldest and most prestigious award in the recreational diving world, recognizing individuals who have made significant career contributions to the sport, the industry and the world in the Arts, the Sciences, the Environment, Sports/Education and through Distinguished Service.”

 This year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the gala will celebrate the winners from 2020:

  • Paul Nicklen (Arts),
  • Laurance Madin (Science).
  • Wolcott Henry (Environment).
  • Don Barthelmess (Sports/Education).
  • Carol Rose (Distinguished Service).

You can purchase tickets for the gala here.

Ticket Sales For The 2021 NOGI Awards Now Open 3

Sam Helmyhttps://www.deeperblue.com

Sam Helmy is a TDI/SDI Instructor Trainer, and PADI Staff and Trimix Instructor. Diving for 28 years, a dive pro for 14, I have traveled extensively chasing my passion for diving. I am passionate about everything diving, with a keen interest in exploration, Sharks and big stuff, Photography and Decompression theory. Diving is definitely the one and only passion that has stayed with me my whole life!

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