Today’s Wordle Answer #468 – September 30, 2022 Solution And Hints

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Are you struggling with today’s Wordle puzzle? We’re here to help. Read on for some hints and tips to help you crack the code, or skip down to the second section for the answer (if you don’t mind the spoiler).

Today’s word isn’t an unusual one, and neither is its letter combination. There’s only one vowel, “O,” as the third letter of the word. The word rhymes with “warn,” and it’s a noun that describes something contemptible or the object of open dislike or disrespect (via Merriam-Webster). Like yesterday’s puzzle answer, the first letter is “S” and the second is “C,” plus there are no repeated letters.

If you’re an avid gamer, here’s a final hint that might set off the lightbulb for you: the solution word is the title of a soon-to-be-released biopunk survival horror adventure video game developed by Ebb Software for Microsoft Windows and Xbox Series X/S.

The answer is synonymous with disdain

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The solution to today’s Wordle puzzle (#468 – September 30, 2022) is scorn. You scorn something or someone when you subject them to open ridicule or mockery. The word can function as a noun or verb and has roots in the Old French words “escarn” or “escorne,” meaning mockery, contempt, affront, or disgrace.

Today it took us five tries to arrive at the answer, although it could have taken us three tries if we were a tad luckier or started with one of WordleBot’s recommended starter words, crane. Instead, we kicked off guessing with the word grate, which was the solution word a few days ago. We followed with the word round and hit a major lucky strike on our third guess, shorn, which turned all but one tile green. That narrowed the possible solutions down to two words: scorn and sworn, but we ended up guessing the latter before it became clear what the correct answer was. We hope you have better luck!

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